Aviso Legal / Imprint

This imprint was last updated on 14/09/2023.

The owner of this website is:

Natssivv Hermanos SL SL
Calle Vallehermoso 69, 28015 Madrid, España
Email: contacto@transiv.es
Phone number: 912878064
VAT ID: ESB85032407

The legal representative(s) of Natssivv Hermanos SL SL:

Iulian Victor Stan

1. General

1.1 We are registered at Registro mercantil de Madrid under the license or registration number:

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.

2. The following information is mandatory according to German law.

2.1 Die Eigentumsanteile der Gesellschaft (Aktienkapital), die von ihr ausgegeben wurden:


2.2 Unsere Berufshaftpflichtversicherung lautet:
